“Fill in The Blanks: Power And Storytelling In Image Making”
Symposium @ Nederlands Fotomuseum, Rotterdam

“Fill in the blanks” was a symposium held at the Nederlands Fotomuseum in Rotterdam. The event was put on by photography students from WDKA Rotterdam (Willem de Kooning academy) including myself, and was held alongside the “Sterke Verhalen” exhibition at the museum.
“The mini-festival 'Fill in the Blanks' kicks off the Nederlands Fotomuseum’s new exhibition, Sterke Verhalen. Imagined by photography students from the Willem de Kooning Academy as a reflection on the museum’s use of its collection, this event talks about telling.
We provide space for experts, performers, artists, and students to discuss and question the power within and around storytelling. To shine a light on the photographic narrative at its first stage; the blank space. What to fill in here? Who fills in what? We invite you to join us as we celebrate the opportunity of filling in those blanks and therewith the potential to impact the future.”
We made a collective publication showcasing the work of the class, and also packs of postcards which were sold at the event - any of these left over afterwards were then sold in the store of the museum.
I documented the event throughout, and have included pictures of this below. At the bottom is my personal project that was shown at the event “Orange Men” about working for Thuis Bezorgd.